Portland, Oregon's most celebrated drag queen has a new show called, 'Just call me Darcelle' that tells the story of the man behind the costumes. Playing to sold out crowds, this one man show covers Walter Cole's life from the shy, quiet boy to a drag queen in Portland's famous Darcelle XV Showplace.
It all started when Walter Cole opened a tavern in Portland and dared to dance. At the time, there was a law prohibiting entertainment and dancing in taverns. But Walter wanted his tavern to expand beyond beer and fist fights, so he and his partner put together a show that's still entertaining audiences with top quality songs, dancing and comedy.
For many years, Darcelle took center stage in anything connected with the show or tavern. Now, at 80, Walter Cole decided to come out of the closet and tell his story on stage. You can hear the whole story along with music and song, in a podcast interview on the Voices of Living Creatively website.
It's a positive journey from the voice of a man living a very creative life.